Writing Unit and Integration Tests for Livewire Components


Laravel Livewire is a powerful framework for building dynamic interfaces using Laravel. To ensure the reliability and maintainability of your Livewire components, it is crucial to write unit and integration tests. Testing helps you catch bugs early, refactor with confidence, and ensure your application behaves as expected. This article will guide you through writing unit and integration tests for Livewire components.


Before we dive into testing Livewire components, make sure you have the following setup:

  • Laravel project with Livewire installed
  • PHPUnit for testing

Setting Up a Livewire Component

Let's start by creating a simple Livewire component to test. We'll create a `CounterComponent` that increments and decrements a counter.

1. Create the Livewire Component

   php artisan make:livewire CounterComponent

2. Define the Component Logic

   // app/Http/Livewire/CounterComponent.php

   namespace App\Http\Livewire;

   use Livewire\Component;

   class CounterComponent extends Component


       public $count = 0;

       public function increment()




       public function decrement()




       public function render()


           return view('livewire.counter-component');



3. Create the Blade View

   <!-- resources/views/livewire/counter-component.blade.php -->


       <h1>Counter: {{ $count }}</h1>

       <button wire:click="increment">+</button>

       <button wire:click="decrement">-</button>


Writing Unit Tests

Unit tests focus on testing individual methods and properties of your Livewire component. These tests are fast and isolated from external dependencies.

1. Create the Unit Test

   php artisan make:test CounterComponentTest --unit

2. Write Unit Test Methods

   // tests/Unit/CounterComponentTest.php

   namespace Tests\Unit;

   use Tests\TestCase;

   use App\Http\Livewire\CounterComponent;

   use Livewire\Livewire;

   class CounterComponentTest extends TestCase


       /** @test */

       public function it_can_increment_the_count()


           $component = Livewire::test(CounterComponent::class);



           $component->assertSet('count', 1);


       /** @test */

       public function it_can_decrement_the_count()


           $component = Livewire::test(CounterComponent::class, ['count' => 1]);



           $component->assertSet('count', 0);



   In the above code, we use the `Livewire::test` helper to create an instance of the `CounterComponent`. We then call the `increment` and `decrement` methods and assert that the `count` property is set to the expected values.

Writing Integration Tests

Integration tests verify that different parts of your application work together as expected. These tests are broader in scope and may involve interactions with the database, HTTP requests, and other components.

1. Create the Integration Test

   php artisan make:test CounterComponentIntegrationTest

2. Write Integration Test Methods

   // tests/Feature/CounterComponentIntegrationTest.php

   namespace Tests\Feature;

   use Tests\TestCase;

   use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;

   use Livewire\Livewire;

   class CounterComponentIntegrationTest extends TestCase


       use RefreshDatabase;

       /** @test */

       public function it_displays_the_initial_count()



               ->assertSee('Counter: 0');


       /** @test */

       public function it_increments_the_count_when_increment_button_is_clicked()




               ->assertSee('Counter: 1');


       /** @test */

       public function it_decrements_the_count_when_decrement_button_is_clicked()


           Livewire::test('counter-component', ['count' => 1])


               ->assertSee('Counter: 0');



   In the above code, we use the `Livewire::test` helper to create an instance of the `CounterComponent` and interact with it as if it were a user. We assert that the component's HTML contains the expected text after calling the `increment` and `decrement` methods.

Running the Tests

You can run your tests using PHPUnit:


Writing unit and integration tests for Livewire components is essential for ensuring the reliability and maintainability of your application. Unit tests allow you to test individual methods and properties in isolation, while integration tests verify that different parts of your application work together as expected. By following the practices outlined in this article, you can confidently build and maintain complex Livewire applications with robust test coverage.