Combining Livewire with Vue.js, React, or Alpine.js


Laravel Livewire is a powerful framework for building dynamic and reactive front-end components using Laravel's server-side capabilities. While Livewire alone is quite capable, there are scenarios where you might want to combine it with other JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js, React, or Alpine.js to enhance functionality, interactivity, and user experience. This article explores how to integrate Livewire with these popular front-end frameworks.

Why Combine Livewire with Other Frameworks?

1. Enhanced Interactivity: Frameworks like Vue.js and React provide advanced interactivity and reactivity, which can complement Livewire's server-side rendering.

2. Component Ecosystem: Leverage the rich ecosystem of pre-built components available in Vue.js and React.

3. Complex State Management: Use the state management capabilities of Vue.js and React for more complex applications.

4. Ease of Use: Alpine.js offers a simpler and lighter alternative for adding JavaScript functionality.

Integrating Livewire with Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Here's how to combine it with Livewire:

1. Install Vue.js: First, install Vue.js via npm.

   npm install vue

2. Initialize Vue.js in Your Project: Set up Vue.js in your Laravel application. Create a Vue instance in your `resources/js/app.js` file.

   import Vue from 'vue';

   const app = new Vue({

       el: '#app',


3. Create a Vue Component: Define a Vue component.

   Vue.component('example-component', {

       template: '<div>{{ message }}</div>',

       data() {

           return {

               message: 'Hello from Vue!'




4. Use Vue Component in Blade Template: Embed the Vue component in your Blade template alongside Livewire.

   <!-- resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->

   <div id="app">

       <livewire:example-livewire-component />



5. Communicate Between Livewire and Vue.js: Use events to communicate between Livewire and Vue.js components.

   // Livewire Component

   class ExampleLivewireComponent extends Component


       public $message = 'Hello from Livewire!';

       public function updateMessage()


           $this->message = 'Updated Livewire Message!';

           $this->emit('messageUpdated', $this->message);


       public function render()


           return view('livewire.example-livewire-component');



   // Vue Component

   Vue.component('example-component', {

       template: '<div>{{ message }}</div>',

       data() {

           return {

               message: 'Hello from Vue!'



       created() {

           window.livewire.on('messageUpdated', (newMessage) => {

               this.message = newMessage;




Integrating Livewire with React

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Here’s how to integrate it with Livewire:

1. Install React: Install React via npm.

   npm install react react-dom

2. Initialize React in Your Project: Set up React in your Laravel application. Create a React component in `resources/js/app.js`.

   import React from 'react';

   import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

   function ExampleComponent() {

       return (

           <div>Hello from React!</div>



   ReactDOM.render(<ExampleComponent />, document.getElementById('react-root'));

3. Use React Component in Blade Template: Add a div with an id to render the React component.

   <!-- resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->


       <livewire:example-livewire-component />

       <div id="react-root"></div>


4. Communicate Between Livewire and React: Use events to communicate between Livewire and React components.

   // Livewire Component

   class ExampleLivewireComponent extends Component


       public $message = 'Hello from Livewire!';

       public function updateMessage()


           $this->message = 'Updated Livewire Message!';

           $this->emit('messageUpdated', $this->message);


       public function render()


           return view('livewire.example-livewire-component');



   // React Component

   import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

   function ExampleComponent() {

       const [message, setMessage] = useState('Hello from React!');

       useEffect(() => {

           window.livewire.on('messageUpdated', (newMessage) => {



       }, []);

       return (




   ReactDOM.render(<ExampleComponent />, document.getElementById('react-root'));

Integrating Livewire with Alpine.js

Alpine.js is a minimal JavaScript framework for adding interactivity. Here’s how to integrate it with Livewire:

1. Include Alpine.js: Include Alpine.js in your Blade template via CDN.

   <!-- resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->

   <script src="//" defer></script>

2. Add Alpine.js Functionality: Use Alpine.js directives to add interactivity.

   <!-- resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->


       <livewire:example-livewire-component />

       <div x-data="{ message: 'Hello from Alpine!' }">

           <p x-text="message"></p>

           <button @click="message = 'Updated Alpine Message!'">Update Message</button>



3. Communicate Between Livewire and Alpine.js: Use Livewire events to update Alpine.js state.

   // Livewire Component

   class ExampleLivewireComponent extends Component


       public $message = 'Hello from Livewire!';

       public function updateMessage()


           $this->message = 'Updated Livewire Message!';

           $this->emit('messageUpdated', $this->message);


       public function render()


           return view('livewire.example-livewire-component');





   <!-- resources/views/welcome.blade.php -->

   <div x-data="{ message: 'Hello from Alpine!' }" x-init="

       window.livewire.on('messageUpdated', (newMessage) => {

           message = newMessage;



       <livewire:example-livewire-component />

       <p x-text="message"></p>

       <button @click="message = 'Updated Alpine Message!'">Update Message</button>


Combining Livewire with Vue.js, React, or Alpine.js allows you to leverage the strengths of both server-side and client-side technologies, providing a powerful and flexible approach to building modern web applications. By following these integration techniques, you can enhance the interactivity and performance of your Laravel applications while maintaining a clean and maintainable codebase.