Laravel 11: New Artisan "make:trait" Command

In the dynamic realm of web development, every tool that enhances efficiency is a treasure. Laravel, the PHP framework known for its developer-friendly features, continues to innovate with each iteration. With the unveiling of Laravel 11, developers are greeted with a new gem in their toolkit: the Artisan "make:trait" command.

Understanding Traits in Laravel

Traits, a PHP language feature, enable developers to reuse methods across multiple classes without the need for inheritance. They facilitate the encapsulation and sharing of functionalities, fostering code reusability and maintainability. In Laravel applications, traits often serve as containers for logic that can be shared among various controllers, models, or other classes.

Introducing the "make:trait" Command

Previously, creating a new trait in Laravel involved manual steps: crafting a PHP file, defining the trait, and implementing desired methods. Though not overly complex, this process demanded manual effort, especially when working on multiple traits across diverse projects. The "make:trait" command in Laravel 11 simplifies this into a single command.

Using "make:trait" with Models

Let's delve into a practical example of using the "make:trait" command, particularly in conjunction with Laravel models. Suppose you're developing an e-commerce platform and want to implement a trait for managing product availability. Here's how you can do it:

1. Create the Trait:

Open your terminal, navigate to your Laravel project directory, and execute the following command:

php artisan make:trait AvailabilityTrait

This command will generate a new trait file named "AvailabilityTrait.php" within the "app/Traits" directory of your Laravel application.

2. Define the Trait:

Open the generated "AvailabilityTrait.php" file and define your custom methods. For instance, let's add a method to check if a product is currently available:


namespace App\Traits;

trait AvailabilityTrait


    public function isAvailable()


        return $this->available;



3. Implement the Trait in a Model:

Now, let's use the "AvailabilityTrait" in a model, such as the "Product" model. Open the "Product.php" file located in the "app/Models" directory and add the following line at the top:

use App\Traits\AvailabilityTrait;

Then, use the trait within the model class:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use App\Traits\AvailabilityTrait;

class Product extends Model


    use AvailabilityTrait;

    // Other model properties and methods...


With the trait applied, the "Product" model now has access to the "isAvailable" method defined in the "AvailabilityTrait".

Benefits of "make:trait"

The introduction of the "make:trait" command brings several advantages:

1. Time-saving: By automating trait creation, developers save time and can focus on refining functionality.

2. Consistency: Ensures uniformity in trait creation across projects, minimizing errors and inconsistencies.

3. Ease of Use: Adheres to Laravel's convention-over-configuration principle, making it intuitive for developers.

4. Promotes Best Practices: Encourages the adoption of standardized trait creation methods, fostering clean and organized codebases.


The Artisan "make:trait" command in Laravel 11 is a valuable addition that enhances developers' productivity and workflow efficiency. By simplifying trait creation, Laravel continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a seamless development experience. Whether you're building a small application or a complex system, leveraging the "make:trait" command empowers you to write cleaner, more maintainable code in less time.