Everybody knows about social media and we are using social media everyday in any form. You know there are around 3 Billion users available on social media.

Your business need to be on social media. You will get great audience on social media. It is great way to build brand on social media and more people will get to know about your brand. I helps in interacting with your audience and get know more about them and their trends. 

But how to do it perfectly that is the tricky question and because lot of people are doing but some get good results and some don't. 

I have invested my one year to understand how social media works and where i need to focus. I have read lot of people and their brands and also big brand strategies. 

Here are 18 tips you can use in your social media to grow your business:

1.  Setup You Account

 Start from creating account choose any platform where you want to grow your brand. Setup your account on

1. Facebook

2. Instagram

3. Twitter

4. LinkedIn

5. Pinterest

6. Youtube

2. Respond To Customers

Respond to every customer in messages, comments, reviews and tags, wherever they are in need.

In start you feel its not good, but you have to do this. 

Have you seen netflix, they reply everyone on twitter. They respond to everything because they want to grab customers from every social media platform.

You should also do the same. 

Responding to customers make them valued and they try invest more time in you and your brand. That is what you want, they your source of income.

3. Don't Just Promote Business

Customers don't want promotional content always on your social media account. Sometimes you promote is okay! but always, never do this.

They feel spam and bored from your content.

So, social media is the relation of give and take. You provide them valuable content which builds trust and in return they trust you which helps in buying something from you.

Here are some ideas for content, i think you can use them:

  • User generated content
  • Blog Posts
  • Quizzes
  • Tutorial
  • Polls
  • Guides
  • Quotes
  • Interviews
  • Info graphics
  • Festive Holidays
  • Behind the scenes
  • Partnerships
  • Events
  • Milestones
  • Achievements

These are great ideas which can be used as content.

Use the rule 80:20. 80% content and 20% promotion.

We all know Content is King.!

4. Engage Audience

Let your audience talk to you in like, share, comment, follow, subscribe anything.

That's how engagement increase. More they show interest, more you will grow.

Ask questions and tell them to share or comment, make content thought provoking. Give them reason to show interest.

5. Keep Track Of Metric

Social media is all about success can be measured when you set some goals and achieve them.

Keep your goals up-to-date so that you can analyse your metric for content. Which content works and which doesn't.

Try and test different content to check metrics.

6. Choose The Right Platform

As we all know social media is very big. There are many platforms where you can build and establish but which one is best for your business and where to start is very tricky question. 

Choose and research about your targeting audience according to your need. 

Here is some information on type of audience on each platform, and choose which is best for you:

  • Facebook: Users are from the age of 25 or older. This platform is used to share content of various forms so try to share everything from posts, infographics,behind the scenes, videos and try to keep your audience on the platform.
  • Instagram: Instagram is best for B2C businesses and it is more visual appealing. Try to post videos and pictures that can engage and also use stories for more engagements.
  • Twitter: Twitter is better for sharing news and information from all age groups. And also you can share links of your website.
  • LinkedIn: This is based on B2B, specially for professionals. This more formal type of platform.
  • Pinterest: This is for businesses only which offers visual that links back to website.
  • Snapchat: This contains younger audience, under the age of 24. It is instant reaction  platform, ideal for quick fire, video based content.
  • Youtube: Youtube is great platform for videos. It helps in brand awareness, but don't expect much click on your website.

Register yourself on each platform if you don't want your brand to be taken by someone else. You can start with only one or all.

7.  Be True To Your Brand

Don't post anything on social media to serve anything.

Remember, you are representing your brand. Post content which fits your brand.

Use tools to create posts and make it in format so that your audience understand that it is from you.

8. Use Visuals More

Post images more, as these are more effective on Instagram and Pinterest.

Use images with clear message so that your audience can easily understand message you want to convey. 

9. Show Your Human Side

People know your brand but sometimes they want to know more about the people behind brand.

Posting behind the scenes would be great content.

10. Perfect Timing

Do some research to find out best time to post content on various platforms you're on. You can find all this based on other industry reports or you can do it by yourself. 

It helps because you know when your audience will be online and you can get more engagement on that time.

11. Clear CTA

CTA means Call-To-Action. You should use CTA in your every marketing campaign or social media post.

CTA should be clear so that your audience understand that what to do after that.

CTA should be clear in post and your bio, so they can do what you have asked to do.

Don't use two or more CTAs in single post because audience will get confused, it will not be effective. They will just keep on scrolling and ignore your message.

You can ask your audience to go to website? Fill form on some link? watch your video? or Buy your product?

12. Paid Promotion

Paid Promotion can be a waste of money if you don't do it right way.

You should have purpose for paid promotion more followers, more purchases, customer data, feedback, website views, etc.

You can apply SMART rule:

  • Specific : Targeted goal Like 1000 followers
  • Measurable : Measure what you have achieved Like measure new followers
  • Achievable : Want to achieve something with some value like 500 new followers from series of campaign.
  • Relevant : New Followers must be related to your brand, if they don't then they will do nothing. They don't like, share, comment, save or watch. They just ignore your post.
  • Timely : Have some targeted time. Like 200 followers in a week.

You need to know how you can target your new followers. So here are some advertisements types:

  • Video : Video content performs better as compared to text or images content. 
  • Quizzes : Quizzes are great for audience to get engage and audience provide more data of interest.
  • Stories : Stories on Instagram are quick eye catching and its open rate is very great. You should have to use it well. I have been using this and great results i am getting. 
  • Image Carousels : Mainly used for showcasing your products and is used by lots of ecommerce websites to display their products so that audience can choose and buy them.
  • Message Messenger Ads :  Facebook marketing have messenger ads where brands can target via message to audience. I have used this and got really great input from audience. You need engagement, people want to engage with you.
  • Testimonials : People are more influenced by testimonials now a days. They helps you a lot in ads.
  • Polls :  People love to share their opinions. I have seen many brand use pools in their stories on Instagram. You can also use it to create polls for audience where they can share opinions.
  • Lead Capture Form  Sometimes you have a product which worth more money it requires regular marketing. So you can get details and capture their details and explain them on regular basis to let them convert.

13. Don't Buy Audience:

I know you get DM's about get followers. 

Don't buy followers because they will not help.

If you want to spend money then spend on paid promotions. If you buy followers you will get bots or unreal people will follow you.

Social media platforms are working hard on removing bots and unreal accounts, if you are thinking of buying then stop here because you will end up loosing.

14. Use Competition, Discounts and Giveaways

 You can use competition to get leads in return of Giveaways. Brands on social media runs a competition to get users data in return of Giveaways and that data is more use full for brand.

You need to be very logical in serving Giveaways, it must be relevant to your audience so that they can show more interest in you.

15. Use Hashtags Properly

Hashtags are the base to grow on some social media platforms, they are essential like meta keywords for websites.

How to use them that should be known for better results :

  • Don't hashtag every bloody word.
  • Don't use generic hashtags like love or happy , they're not really going to do anything for your brand expect draw in bots.
  • Research popular hashtags in your industry.
  • Consider how your hashtag looks after writing. Make sure they look awesome not something creepy.

16. Power Of User-Generated Content

User generated content is fantastic. It makes your audience interested and engaged, also helps in saving time.

People trust more on user generated content because people know how marketing content looks like.

Here are some user generated content ideas which you can use: 

  • Contests : Contests are great way generate content. Ask audience to make videos and tag you then use those videos as content. These are more valuable for your audience.
  • Reviews : Use reviews of your service or product as content for your brand posts.
  • Case Studies : Case studies are also great way to generate content using some other companies research and observation you can generate content for your brand. People like research and records.
  • Q&A Sessions : Ask questions to your audience and use those questions , and answer them. Post those content so that people can relate to them.
  • Blog Posts : Blogs can be a great marketing strategy. You have content serve in multiple posts on social media platforms. Also, you can collaborate with different bloggers to share their content on your platform.

17. Know Your Competitors

You should have a list of your competitors so that you can understand their content strategy on social platform.

You just need to find out a blind spot where they are doing and fill that in your strategy. Target their unhappy customer not directly but smoothly. 

Like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Both play rivalry but in entertaining way.

18.  Enjoy and Entertain

Posts great and enjoyable content. Don't just post about business and brand, do it entertaining so that audience enjoy and relate to real life.